All posts by: JillC

About JillC

The Texas Chapter International Society of Arboriculture (ISA Texas) met on March 9, 2021, to discuss the impact of the deep freeze of 2021 on Texas trees.  The top eight ISA arborists from major metro areas in Texas were on the panel.  Below are some of their findings. Trees: Wait till July 4th to fully […]

It’s time to cut back on turf watering during winter months.  Irrigating twice a month would be the maximum and less if there is a good rain.   Proper moisture management encourages plants to grow roots deeper into the soil, making them healthier and more drought-tolerant.  Over watering can damage plant roots.  The amount of water […]

They are not Christmas ornaments in your trees.  They are bagworms.  Bagworms are caterpillars that make distinctive spindle-shaped bags on a variety of trees and shrubs. During daylight, the caterpillars remain inside the cocoon/bag to avoid predators.  They come out at night to feed on plant foliage.  They attack both deciduous trees and evergreens, but […]

Weeds are already popping and this mild winter will encourage more. Preemergence herbicides are applied before the weed sprouts through the soil surface. Apply preemergence herbicides January to March before the soil temperature has warmed to 55 degrees. A liquid pre-emergent will also prevent and control annual summer weeds like crabgrass, foxtail, clover and spurge. […]

Alert! Bagworms are here. Bagworms are caterpillars that make distinctive spindle-shaped bags on a variety of trees and shrubs. They attack both deciduous trees and evergreens, but are especially damaging to juniper, arborvitae, spruce, pine and cedar. Large populations of bagworms can strip plants of their foliage and eventually cause them to die. Infestations often […]

Fight the Weeds in 2019! This mild winter has brought weed growth to North Texas. Now is the best time to apply Pre-Emergent and Post-Emergent Weed Control to prevent weed growth during the Spring and Summer months. A liquid post-emergent is needed for the control of existing Winter grassy weeds and broadleaf weeds such as […]

They are back!! We have seen armyworm larvae in Prosper, McKinney and Celina lawns! So watch for them. They are hungry. Last year, we found them in August, and in 2016 September. Armyworm larva vary in color from dark greenish-brown to black. On each side, there are long pale white, orange, and dark brown stripes […]

After the hot dry temperatures in July, everyone has some turf damage. So what do you do now?   Watch for turf insects. Chinch bugs: summer insect  Small, BB size, black body with whitish wings, some without wings On leaf blades sucking moisture or on the ground Grubs: May/June larva causing Summer and Fall damage […]

Are you doing the Texas Two-Step dance after stepping on an active ant mound? Spring rains and warm temperatures have activated fire ant colonies.   Fire ants are very aggressive, and can inflict a painful sting to humans and pets. LawnAmerica is a licensed Top Choice applicator. Top Choice is a revolutionary granular product that eliminates […]

Weed Alert!! Weed Alert!! This mild winter has brought weed growth to North Texas. Now is the best time to apply Pre-Emergent and Post-Emergent Weed Control to prevent weed growth during the Spring and Summer months. A liquid post-emergent is needed for the control of existing Winter grassy weeds and broadleaf weeds such as henbit […]

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